马来西亚对移交检察官的矿物许可证进行腐败调查,其中涉及官员。 Malaysian corruption investigation into mineral licenses handed to prosecutor, implicating officials.
马来西亚反腐败委员会(MACC)已完成了对萨巴赫涉及矿产探矿许可证的腐败丑闻的调查。 The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) has finished its investigation into a corruption scandal involving mineral prospecting licenses in Sabah. 此案包括针对州议员、举报人和前州官员的指控。 The case includes allegations against state assemblymen, a whistleblower, and a former state official. 调查文件已交给副检察官,以便采取进一步行动。 The investigation papers have been handed to the Deputy Public Prosecutor for further action. 这一事态发展引起了对沙巴政府透明度和问责制的担忧。 This development has raised concerns about transparency and accountability in Sabah's government.