59岁的Kimberly Lannigan 在开车走错路后撞上了Navasota警官Mark Butler的车,杀死了两人。 Kimberly Lannigan, 59, crashed into Navasota Police Sergeant Mark Butler's vehicle after driving the wrong way, killing both.
来自科罗拉多斯普林斯的59岁的Kimberly Lannigan 被确定为1月15日与纳瓦索塔警官Mark Butler发生致命车祸的司机。 Kimberly Lannigan, 59, from Colorado Springs, was identified as the driver in a fatal crash with Navasota Police Sergeant Mark Butler on January 15th. Lannigan在躲避学院派出所警察后,在6号公路上开错了路,导致与巴特勒的警车发生碰撞。 Lannigan was driving the wrong way on Highway 6 after evading College Station police, leading to a collision with Butler's police vehicle. 两人均被杀害。 Both were killed. 巴特勒的来访和葬礼分别于1月23日和24日举行。 Butler's visitation and funeral took place on January 23rd and 24th, respectively.