印度企业计划大幅增加各部门的投资,重点是供应链、研发和可持续性。 Indian businesses plan major investment increases across sectors, focusing on supply chain, R&D, and sustainability.
印度商界领袖正计划在2025年大幅增加各部门的投资,67%的印度人预计供应链管理投资将比2024年增加17%。 Indian business leaders are planning significant increases in investments across various sectors in 2025, with 67% expecting a 17% rise in supply chain management investments compared to 2024. Capgemini研究所的报告还表明,75%的目标是将工程和研发投资增加14%,62%的目标是增加可持续性和制造业/业务投资。 The report by Capgemini Research Institute also shows that 75% aim to boost engineering and R&D investments by 14%, and 62% plan to increase sustainability and manufacturing/operations investments. 此外,55%的管理人员将优先降低成本,而不是增加收入,而AI/GenAI和云技术则是顶级技术投资领域。 Additionally, 55% of executives will prioritize cost reduction over revenue growth, while AI/GenAI and cloud technologies are top tech investment areas.