洛杉矶郡的房租在五年内翻了98%, 达到每月5 670美元。 Home payments in Los Angeles County have jumped 98% in five years, reaching $5,670 monthly.
洛杉矶州的房屋付款在五年内猛增98%, 现在典型买家每月支付5,670美元。 House payments in Los Angeles County have surged 98% in five years, with typical buyers now paying $5,670 per month. 中位房价在11月达到869 000美元,比去年高3%,比五年前上升39%。 The median home price reached $869,000 in November, 3% above last year and up 39% from five years ago. 较高的抵押贷款利率11月平均为6.8%,而5年前为3.7%,减缓了购房速度,每月交易比过去两年下降了34%。 Higher mortgage rates, averaging 6.8% in November compared to 3.7% five years ago, have slowed the homebuying pace, with monthly transactions down 34% from the past two years.