2025年格拉斯哥电影节展示了13个世界首映和明星,如蒂姆·罗斯和詹姆斯·麦卡沃伊。 Glasgow Film Festival 2025 showcases 13 world premieres and stars like Tim Roth and James McAvoy.
从2月26日至3月9日的2025年格拉斯哥电影节将举行13场世界首映式、67场英国首映式和12场苏格兰首映式,分别来自39个国家。 The Glasgow Film Festival 2025, running from Feb 26 to Mar 9, will feature 13 world premieres, 67 UK premieres, and 12 Scottish premieres from 39 countries. 电影节以约翰·麦克莱恩 (John Maclean) 执导、蒂姆·罗斯 (Tim Roth) 主演的生存惊悚片《龙卷风》(Tornado) 的全球首映式开场,最后将以马丁·罗伯逊 (Martyn Robertson) 的纪录片《前往慕尼黑》(Make It To Munich) 结束。 Opening with the world premiere of "Tornado," a survival thriller by John Maclean starring Tim Roth, it will close with "Make It To Munich," a documentary by Martyn Robertson. 节日还将举办惊片"恐惧"的特别放映和与詹姆斯·麦克艾沃伊的对话活动. The festival will also host a special screening of the thriller "Fear" and an in-conversation event with James McAvoy. 参加者包括Jessica Lange和Tilda Swinton等明星。 Attendees include stars like Jessica Lange and Tilda Swinton.