加纳新任地方政府部长承诺推进全国道路改善计划(DRIP)。 Ghana's new Local Government Minister vows to advance the nationwide road improvement program, DRIP.
加纳地方政府候任部长Ahmed Ibrahim承诺执行旨在改善全国道路网络的县公路基础设施方案。 Ahmed Ibrahim, Ghana's Local Government Minister-designate, has pledged to implement the District Road Infrastructure Programme (DRIP), aimed at improving road networks across the country. DRIP于2021年启动,旨在加强交通,刺激当地经济,改善农村人口获得关键服务的机会。 Launched in 2021, DRIP seeks to enhance transportation, stimulate local economies, and improve access to critical services for rural populations. Ibrahim致力于克服当前的障碍,确保方案执行的透明度和问责制。 Ibrahim is committed to overcoming current obstacles and ensuring transparency and accountability in the program's execution.