Tesco和Asda销售的4个咳嗽糖浆品牌因可能受到污染而被召回。 Four cough syrup brands sold by Tesco and Asda are recalled due to possible contamination.
Tesco和Asda出售的4个咳嗽糖浆品牌因可能受到外国物质污染而被召回。 Four cough syrup brands sold by Tesco and Asda have been recalled due to possible contamination with foreign material. 受影响的产品包括:Tesco健康干咳、Asda强干口咳、Almus干口咳、Bells两面行动口咳。 The affected products include Tesco Health Dry Cough Relief, Asda Strong Dry Tickly Cough, Almus Dry Cough Relief, and Bells Dual Action Dry Cough. 根据客户投诉,MHRA 宣布召回,患者不需要采取任何行动,但如果有疑虑,他们应联系医疗保健专业人员. The recall was issued by the MHRA after a customer complaint, and no action is required by patients, but they should contact a healthcare professional if concerned. 已指示零售商停止销售和隔离受影响批次。 Retailers have been told to stop selling and quarantine the affected batches.