前总统特朗普下令调查1月6日联邦机构内涉嫌的偏见案件。 Former President Trump orders investigations into alleged bias in federal agencies over January 6 cases.
前总统特朗普发布了一项行政命令,要求对拜登政府下属的联邦机构内指称的政治偏见和不当行为进行调查,特别着重于司法部处理与1月6日事件有关的案件。 Former President Trump issued an executive order calling for investigations into alleged political bias and misconduct within federal agencies under the Biden administration, particularly focusing on the Justice Department's handling of cases related to the January 6 events. 该命令指示多次审查和向白宫报告,但没有具体规定时间表。 The order directs multiple reviews and reports to the White House but does not specify a timeline. 目的是解决特朗普认为“联邦政府武器化”针对他的支持者和政治反对派的问题。 It aims to address what Trump views as the "weaponization of the federal government" against his supporters and political opponents.