Coller Capital开设新加坡办事处,扩大东南亚的私募股权投资。 Coller Capital opens Singapore office to expand private equity investments in Southeast Asia.
设在伦敦的Colner Capital公司是私人股权二级市场的主要参与者,它在新加坡开设了一个办事处,以利用东南亚投资者日益增长的需求。 London-based Coller Capital, a major player in the private equity secondary market, has opened an office in Singapore to tap into growing demand from investors in Southeast Asia. Coller Capital现在在亚太地区设有5个办事处。 Managing over $36 billion, Coller Capital now has five offices in the Asia-Pacific region. 新办事处旨在深化与该地区机构投资者和私人财富投资者的联系,加强公司的存在。 The new office aims to deepen connections with institutional and private wealth investors in the area, enhancing the firm's presence.