津巴布韦大使以国内经济危机为由,为向南非移民辩护。 Zimbabwe's ambassador defends migration to South Africa, citing economic crises at home.
津巴布韦驻南非大使大卫·哈马齐里皮(David Hamadziripi)说,从津巴布韦移民到南非是全球趋势的一部分,具有历史根源。 Zimbabwe's Ambassador to South Africa, David Hamadziripi, says migration from Zimbabwe to South Africa is part of a global trend and has historical roots. 他指出,数以百万计的津巴布韦人因经济危机而离开,许多人前往南非寻找更好的前景。 He notes that millions of Zimbabweans have left due to economic crises, with many heading to South Africa for better prospects. 虽然一些南非人批评资源紧缺, 哈马齐里皮(Hamadziripi)表示津巴布韦正在努力改善经济, While some South Africans criticize the strain on resources, Hamadziripi says Zimbabwe is working to improve its economy to reduce migration.