一名24岁的司机在Cincinnati坠入水龙头和柱子后死亡,被怀疑超速和有缺陷。 A 24-year-old driver died in Cincinnati after crashing into a hydrant and pole, suspected of speeding and impairment.
在辛辛那提(Cincinnati)华盛顿营,一名24岁的司机在Spring Grove大道失去对吉普车的控制,击中消防栓和电线杆后,星期天早上死亡。 In Camp Washington, Cincinnati, a 24-year-old driver died Sunday morning after losing control of his Jeep on Spring Grove Avenue, hitting a fire hydrant and utility pole. 警方怀疑车速过快和可能有损伤,注意到司机没有系安全带。 Police suspect excessive speed and possible impairment, noting the driver was not wearing a seatbelt. 司机在现场被宣布死亡。 The driver was pronounced dead at the scene. 当局正在请求证人与CPD交通股联系,电话为513-352-2514。 Authorities are requesting witnesses to contact CPD's Traffic Unit at 513-352-2514.