英国财政大臣雷切尔·里夫斯 (Rachel Reeves) 会见金融领袖以促进行业增长,因为 FCA 正在考虑放宽监管。 UK Chancellor Rachel Reeves meets financial leaders to boost sector growth, as FCA considers easing regulations.
联合王国总理Rachel Reeves计划会见银行和保险业领导人,以制定一项金融服务增长和竞争力的新战略,这是政府工业计划中八个关键部门之一。 UK Chancellor Rachel Reeves plans to meet with banking and insurance leaders to develop a new strategy for growth and competitiveness in financial services, one of eight key sectors in the government's industrial plan. 《公平竞争法》还旨在放宽促进增长的条例,尽管它警告说,这可能导致更多的商业失败和消费者面临的风险。 The FCA also aims to ease regulations to boost growth, though it warns this could lead to more business failures and risks to consumers.