2名青少年被控在新西兰南部坠毁后非法参加街头赛车。 Two teens are charged with illegal street racing after a crash in Southland, New Zealand.
2名男子,18岁和19岁,在11月5日发生车祸后,被控在新西兰南兰非法进行街头赛车。 Two men, aged 18 and 19, are charged with illegal street racing in Southland, New Zealand, after a vehicle crash on November 5. 据报道,他们驾驶的车速是Grove Burn路限速的三倍。 They were reportedly driving at three times the speed limit on Grove Burn Road. 他们的车辆被扣押,他们应于2月18日出庭。 Their vehicles were impounded, and they are due in court on February 18. 警察在他们的住址执行搜查令,并警告街头赛的危险性,敦促公众报告这类活动。 Police executed search warrants at their addresses and warned of the dangers of street racing, urging the public to report such activities.