两辆法拉利F40型超级汽车,每辆价值约300万美元,在一周内坠毁,造成轻微损坏。 Two Ferrari F40 supercars, each worth about $3 million, were involved in crashes within a week, causing minor damage.
两辆法拉利F40超车在一周内坠毁 Two Ferrari F40 supercars were involved in crashes within a week. 第一辆是一辆高里程汽车,在一条湿道上失去控制,第二辆据报为1号公式车司机Lando Norris所拥有,在司机在干道上过度校正后坠毁在摩纳哥阿尔卑斯山。 The first, a high-mileage car, lost control on a wet road, while the second, reportedly owned by Formula 1 driver Lando Norris, crashed in Monaco's Alps after the driver over-corrected on a dry road. 两次撞车都对汽车造成轻微损坏,每辆车的价值约为300万美元。 Both crashes caused minor damage to the cars, each valued at about $3 million. Ferrari F40, 1987至1992年生产,以其2.9升V8发动机和轻量级设计著称。 The Ferrari F40, produced between 1987 and 1992, is known for its 2.9-liter V8 engine and lightweight design.