萨塞克斯警方调查克里斯托弗·福克斯在布赖顿的死因;嫌疑人未经指控被释放。 Sussex Police investigate Christopher Fox's death in Brighton; suspect released without charges.
苏塞克斯警方继续调查41岁的克里斯托弗·福克斯在布赖顿的死亡案。 Sussex Police continue their investigation into the death of 41-year-old Christopher Fox in Brighton. 一名来自霍夫的49岁男子最初因涉嫌谋杀被捕,未经指控被释放。 A 49-year-old man from Hove, initially arrested on suspicion of murder, has been released without charges. 侦探总探长Mark Cullimore敦促社区提供任何信息,以协助正在进行的调查,即“沼泽地行动”。 Detective Chief Inspector Mark Cullimore urges the community to provide any information to aid the ongoing investigation, known as Operation Marshgate.