斯里兰卡总理与中国特使一同前往科伦坡庆祝中国新年, Sri Lanka's PM joins Chinese envoy in Colombo to celebrate Chinese New Year, showcasing Sino-Sri Lanka ties.
斯里兰卡总理阿玛拉苏里亚和中国大使齐洪在科伦坡庆祝中国新年. Sri Lanka's Prime Minister Harini Amarasuriya joined Chinese Ambassador Qi Zhenhong in celebrating the Chinese New Year in Colombo. 约有800名嘉宾, 包括斯里兰卡官员及中国代表, 出席「中国新年快乐中国文化节」。 The "Happy Chinese New Year · Chinese Culture Festival" was attended by around 800 guests, including Sri Lankan officials and Chinese representatives. 这次活动从1月20日持续到23日, 展出文化表演及食品节, 突显中国与斯里兰卡的紧密关系。 The event, which runs from January 20 to 23, features cultural performances and a food festival, highlighting the strong ties between China and Sri Lanka.