Snowy River Bears 重返 George Tooke Shield;纳鲁马魔鬼队带着新的队长兼教练基兰·威尔德 (Kieran Wyld) 回来了。 Snowy River Bears return to George Tooke Shield; Narooma Devils come back with new captain-coach Kieran Wyld.
Snowy River熊队让第16组橄榄球联盟比赛返回George Tooke Shield队,由于球员离开,该队无法在2025年季节全员出击。 The Snowy River Bears left the Group 16 rugby league competition to return to the George Tooke Shield, unable to field full teams for the 2025 season due to player departures. 与此同时,休赛一年的纳鲁马魔鬼队将回归,基兰·威尔德 (Kieran Wyld) 将首次担任队长兼教练。 Meanwhile, the Narooma Devils, who took a year off, are returning with Kieran Wyld as their first-time captain-coach. Wyld是一名26岁的前球员,在悉尼、沃尔隆贡和法国都有经验丰富的球员为球队提供支持。 Wyld, a 26-year-old former player in Sydney, Wollongong, and France, is supported by experienced players on the team.