在新加坡,摇头丸鼻腔喷雾(Spravato)正在帮助严重抑郁的患者实现快速恢复,尽管费用高昂,但获得治疗的机会有限。 In Singapore, esketamine nasal spray (Spravato) is helping severely depressed patients achieve rapid remission, though high costs limit access.
在新加坡,曾经被用作马匹镇定剂的药物氯胺酮现在帮助严重抑郁的病人。 In Singapore, the drug ketamine, once used as a horse tranquilizer, is now helping severely depressed patients. 自卫生科学局于2020年批准鼻涕喷雾类甲胺(Spravato)以来,有5名精神科医生报告了成功的结果,许多病人得到了缓解。 Since the Health Sciences Authority approved the nasal spray esketamine (Spravato) in 2020, five psychiatrists have reported successful outcomes, with many patients achieving remission. 由Johnson & Johnson开发的Spravato现在被广泛用于抗治疗性抑郁症,因为其影响迅速,而且非侵入性。 Developed by Johnson & Johnson, Spravato is now widely prescribed for treatment-resistant depression due to its rapid effects and non-invasive nature. 然而,费用高昂,会议价格约1 000美元左右,可能会限制一些人的准入。 However, the high cost, with sessions priced around $1,000, may limit access for some.