萨尔茨堡纪念《音乐之音》60周年 电影巡演、展览和音乐演出 Salzburg marks "Sound of Music's" 60th anniversary with film tours, exhibits, and musical performances.
奥地利萨尔茨堡正在庆祝“音乐之音”60周年, Salzburg, Austria, is celebrating "The Sound of Music's" 60th anniversary with various events including film-themed tours, an exhibition of von Trapp family memorabilia, and special performances. 该市提供了一个语音导览应用程序来探索拍摄地点,萨尔茨堡剧院将用德语上演这部音乐剧,并配有英文字幕。 The city is offering an audio guide app to explore filming locations and the Salzburg Theater will stage the musical in German with English subtitles. 这些活动旨在纪念这部电影对城市及其旅游业的影响。 The events aim to commemorate the movie's impact on the city and its tourism.