随着停火结束15个月的冲突,巴勒斯坦人在加沙的废墟中搜寻数千人。 Palestinians search through Gaza rubble for thousands as a ceasefire ends 15 months of conflict.
随着停火在以色列和哈马斯之间生效,巴勒斯坦人在加沙的废墟下寻找数千名被掩埋的巴勒斯坦人。 Palestinians search for thousands buried under rubble in Gaza as a ceasefire takes effect between Israel and Hamas. 休战是在15个月的冲突之后进行的,据报有47 000多名巴勒斯坦人被杀。 The truce follows a 15-month conflict, with over 47,000 Palestinians reported killed. 重建努力将需要数十亿美元,估计清理5 000万吨瓦砾可能需要21年,费用为12亿美元。 Rebuilding efforts will require billions of dollars, with estimates suggesting clearing 50 million tonnes of rubble could take up to 21 years and cost $1.2 billion. 据信,这些碎片受到石棉污染,使恢复和重建工作复杂化。 The debris is believed to be contaminated with asbestos, complicating recovery and reconstruction.