日本电视台任命Fukuda Hiroyuki为主席和COO,以增加内容和扩大收入。 Nippon TV appoints Hiroyuki Fukuda as President and COO to enhance content and expand earnings.
日本一家领先的日本广播公司日本电视台已任命福田弘月为新主席兼首席业务干事。 Nippon TV, a leading Japanese broadcasting company, has appointed Hiroyuki Fukuda as its new President and COO. Fukuda自1985年以来一直在公司工作,将取代Ishizawa的Akira。 Fukuda, who has been with the company since 1985, will replace Akira Ishizawa. Fukuda将重点改进公司的内容战略和业务组合,以打击竞争加剧和线性收视率下降的现象,同时力求通过国际销售增加广播以外的收入。 Fukuda will focus on improving the company's content strategy and business portfolio to combat increased competition and declining linear viewership, while also aiming to boost earnings beyond broadcasting through international sales.