Lord's Mark Industries在印度赢得大型太阳能合同, 将其容量提升至150兆瓦。 Lord's Mark Industries wins big solar contract in India, boosting its capacity to 150 MW.
Lord's Mark Industries在北方邦签定了100兆瓦的太阳能合同,使其总容量达到150兆瓦。 Lord's Mark Industries secured a 100 MW solar contract in Uttar Pradesh, bringing its total capacity to 150 MW. 该项目涉及在政府建筑物上安装太阳能系统,这是印度促进可再生能源倡议的一部分。 The project involves installing solar systems on government buildings, part of India's initiative to promote renewable energy. 该公司总裁将在世界经济论坛上讨论创新问题,强调该公司在推动印度可持续能源方面的作用。 The company’s Managing Director will discuss innovations at the World Economic Forum, highlighting the firm’s role in advancing sustainable energy in India.