伦敦新闻平台为订户削减80%的广告,促进当地商业。 London news platform cuts ads by 80% for subscribers, promoting local businesses.
这篇文章推出一个伦敦新闻平台, 向订户提供减少显示的广告, 比非订户少80%的广告。 This article introduces a London-based news platform that offers subscribers reduced display advertising, showing 80% fewer ads compared to non-subscribers. 确实出现的广告主要来自促进地方服务的当地企业。 The ads that do appear are mainly from local businesses promoting local services. 该平台强调了支持这些当地企业的重要性,尤其是在困难时期。 The platform highlights the importance of supporting these local businesses, especially during tough times.