火灾摧毁了密歇根州日内瓦镇的野营人员拖车;未报告有人受伤。 Fire destroys camper trailer in Geneva Township, Michigan; no injuries reported.
星期一上午3时40分左右,在密歇根州日内瓦镇第681号县道384号县道附近,一辆露营拖车被烧毁。 A camper trailer was destroyed by fire in Geneva Township, Michigan, early Monday morning around 3:40 a.m. on County Road 681, near County Road 384. 南黑文地区紧急服务部门对大火做出了反应,大火完全吞没了拖车。 South Haven Area Emergency Services responded to the blaze, which fully engulfed the trailer. 没有报告有人受伤,正在调查火灾原因。 No injuries were reported, and the cause of the fire is under investigation.