鲍勃·迪伦 (Bob Dylan) 的《手鼓先生》(Mr. Tambourine Man)的歌词草稿在纳什维尔的拍卖会上以 508,000 美元的价格售出。 Draft lyrics for Bob Dylan's "Mr. Tambourine Man" sold for $508,000 at a Nashville auction.
鲍勃·迪伦 (Bob Dylan) 的标志性歌曲“Mr. Tambourine Man”的歌词草稿在纳什维尔的一场拍卖会上以 508,000 美元的价格售出。 Draft lyrics for Bob Dylan's iconic song "Mr. Tambourine Man" sold for $508,000 at an auction in Nashville. 这场拍卖会由 Julien's Auctions 组织,展出了 50 多件与迪伦相关的物品,销售额近 150 万美元。 The auction, organized by Julien's Auctions, featured over 50 Dylan-related items and generated nearly $1.5 million in sales. 歌词是已故音乐记者阿尔·阿罗诺维茨 (Al Aronowitz) 收藏的一部分,写在黄纸上,并附有迪伦的注释。 The lyrics, part of the late music journalist Al Aronowitz's collection, were written on yellow paper with annotations by Dylan. 其他最畅销的物品包括一幅售价 260,000 美元的迪伦签名油画和一把售价 225,000 美元的定制 Fender 吉他。 Other top-selling items included a Dylan-signed oil painting for $260,000 and a custom Fender guitar for $225,000.