Jr. Dion Walton在长滩被捕,被控强奸和殴打;警察寻找更多的受害者。 Dion Walton Jr. arrested in Long Beach for alleged rape and assault; police seek more victims.
Dion Terrell Walton Jr. 于1月15日因涉嫌强奸一名妇女并殴打另一名妇女而在长滩被捕。 Dion Terrell Walton Jr. was arrested in Long Beach on suspicion of raping a woman and assaulting another on January 15th. 指称的强奸事件发生在西10街和太平洋大道附近,大约上午1时左右,当天上午晚些时候又发生了一起袭击。 The alleged rape occurred near West 10th Street and Pacific Avenue around 1 a.m., followed by an assault later that morning. 26岁的Walton在Wilmington被捕,罪名包括鸡奸、抢劫和绑架,意图实施强奸。 Walton, 26, was apprehended in Wilmington facing charges including sodomy, robbery, and kidnapping with intent to commit rape. 警察敦促类似事件的潜在受害者站出来。 Police urge potential victims of similar incidents to come forward.