随着Vivian Campbell从癌症中恢复过来, Def Leppard与临时吉他手一起表演2025年首场表演。 Def Leppard performs first 2025 show with temporary guitarist, as Vivian Campbell recovers from cancer.
Def Leppard在墨西哥里昂首次表演了2025年的节目,没有吉他手Vivian Campbell参加,她正在从癌症治疗中恢复。 Def Leppard performed their first 2025 show in Leon, Mexico, without guitarist Vivian Campbell, who is recovering from cancer treatment. 前锋Joe Elliott介绍John Zocco作为临时替代。 Frontman Joe Elliott introduced John Zocco as the temporary replacement. 坎贝尔(Campbell)是自1992年以来的乐团成员, 自2013年起, 他与Hodgkin的淋巴瘤战斗, Campbell, a band member since 1992, has been public about his battle with Hodgkin's lymphoma since 2013, undergoing various treatments. Def Leppard的下一场表演定于5月15日在波多黎各举行。 Def Leppard's next show is scheduled for May 15 in Puerto Rico.