澳大利亚奶农现在可以使用A$xD指数来饲养价值较高的安格斯奶牛牛。 Australian dairy farmers can now use the A$xD index to breed higher-value Angus dairy beef cattle.
从2024年12月起, 澳大利亚奶农可以使用新的奶牛指数(A$xD)来选择生产优质奶牛牛的牛。 From December 2024, dairy farmers in Australia can use the new Angus on Dairy Index (A$xD) to select beef sires that produce high-quality dairy beef cattle. 该指数强调减缩容易、增长和肉类质量。 The index emphasizes calving ease, growth, and meat quality. A$xD 前 10% 的公牛的犊牛出生体重较轻,400 天体重较高。 Sires in the top 10% of the A$xD have calves with lighter birthweights and higher 400-day weights. Aus-Meat最近的变化使得拥有50%安格斯遗产的牛可以作为Angus销售,为奶牛的牛肉开辟高价值市场。 Aus-Meat's recent change allows cattle with 50% Angus heritage to be marketed as Angus, opening up higher-value markets for beef from dairy cattle.