日本的水族馆工作人员使用纸板切口和波浪来唤醒孤单的太阳鱼,改善其健康。 Aquarium staff in Japan used cardboard cutouts and waves to cheer up a lonely sunfish, improving its health.
在日本的Kaikyokan水族馆,在翻修导致访客人数下降之后,一条太阳鱼出现不适。 At the Kaikyokan Aquarium in Japan, a sunfish became unwell after renovations caused visitor numbers to drop. 水族馆工作人员,怀疑是孤独的,在油箱上布置了人和工作人员制服的纸板,对鱼挥手。 Aquarium staff, suspecting loneliness, placed cardboard cutouts of people and staff uniforms on the tank, and waved at the fish. 以好奇心而闻名的太阳鱼作出了积极反应,改善了它的健康和行为。 Known for its curiosity, the sunfish responded positively, improving its health and behavior.