一名6岁男孩星期六在佛罗里达州奥兰治郡被一名醉酒司机击中后死亡。 A 6-year-old boy died after being hit by a drunk driver in Orange County, Florida, on Saturday.
一名6岁男孩在周六下午4时43分左右在佛罗里达州奥兰治县被一名司机撞伤后死亡。 A 6-year-old boy died after being hit by a driver under the influence in Orange County, Florida, on Saturday around 4:43 p.m. 事件发生在白云大道和西塔霍街交汇处,53岁的Francisco Rosillo Arriola没有在停车牌上停下,并用脚踏车撞了男孩。 The incident occurred at the intersection of White Cloud Avenue and West Tahoe Street, where Francisco Rosillo Arriola, 53, failed to stop at a stop sign and struck the boy on his bicycle. Arriola面临包括酒后驾车过失杀人和车辆杀人在内的指控。 Arriola faces charges including DUI manslaughter and vehicular homicide.