英国供水公司Severn Trent为Wwrcestershire学校免费提供节水讲习班。 UK water firm Severn Trent offers free water conservation workshops to Worcestershire schools.
英国供水公司Severn Trent为Wwrcestershire学校提供免费的讲习班和集会, Severn Trent, a UK water company, is offering free workshops and assemblies for Worcestershire schools to teach children about water conservation and environmental issues like climate change. 去年,该区域有超过163 000名学生参加,包括来自沃斯特郡的8 373名学生。 Last year, over 163,000 students in the region participated, including 8,373 from Worcestershire. 学校和家长可以预订这些互动课,也可以在stwater.co.uk/education上获得更多的信息。 Schools and parents can book these interactive sessions or get more information at stwater.co.uk/education.