两名男子在萨克拉门托被枪杀,一名在南方,一名在北方,两人均自行送往医院。 Two men were shot in Sacramento, one in South and one in North, and both self-transported to hospitals.
星期六,一名男子在南萨克拉门托遭枪击,并被送往医院。 On Saturday, a man was shot in South Sacramento and took himself to the hospital. 枪击发生于下午1时30分左右,地点在Meadowview路。 The shooting occurred around 1:30 p.m. on Meadowview Road. 警方怀疑道路暴怒或车祸可能导致枪击。 Police suspect road rage or a crash may have led to the shooting. 在另一起事件中,有人在下午5时左右在北萨克拉门托被枪杀,他也是自运到一个状况稳定的医院。 In another incident, a person was shot in North Sacramento around 5 p.m., also self-transporting to a hospital with a stable condition. 对这两起案件的调查正在进行之中。 Investigations are ongoing in both cases.