特朗普在就职典礼时威胁对加拿大货物征收25%的关税,凸显了贸易紧张。 Trump threatens 25% tariffs on Canadian goods at inauguration, highlighting trade tensions.
加拿大商业界本周的五个重要事件包括唐纳德·特朗普的美国就职典礼,他威胁说除非边境和毒品问题得到解决,否则对加拿大和墨西哥货物征收25%的关税。 Five key events in the Canadian business world this week include Donald Trump's U.S. inauguration, where he threatens 25% tariffs on Canadian and Mexican goods unless border and drug issues are addressed. 加拿大银行将在1月29日的利率决定之前发布其商业和消费者展望调查。 The Bank of Canada will release its business and consumer outlook surveys ahead of the January 29 interest rate decision. 加拿大统计局将更新12月的通货膨胀率和11月的零售贸易数字。 Statistics Canada will update inflation rates for December and retail trade figures for November. CIBC在Whistler举行的投资者会议使加拿大公司执行官聚集一堂。 CIBC's investor conference in Whistler brings together Canadian company executives.