参议员批评PTI与政府和军方谈判, 要求建立单一对话渠道。 Senator criticizes PTI for negotiating with both government and military, calls for single dialogue channel.
参议员Irfan Siddiqui批评巴基斯坦Tehreek-e-Insaf(PTI)与政府和军事领导人同时举行谈判, Senator Irfan Siddiqui criticized Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) for conducting simultaneous negotiations with the government and military leadership, calling for a single channel of dialogue. PTI正在与政府就包括释放伊姆兰·汗和其他领导人在内的各种要求举行会谈,同时还与军事官员会晤。 PTI is in talks with the government over demands including the release of Imran Khan and other leaders, while also meeting with military officials. Siddiqui敦促PTI选择一种谈判途径,强调双重讨论的复杂性。 Siddiqui urged PTI to choose one negotiation route, highlighting the complexity of dual discussions.