有报道称,伍斯特附近有一只大型黑猫,可能是一只黑豹,这在英格兰引发了关于大型猫科动物的争论。 Reports of a large black cat, possibly a panther, near Worcester spark debate over big cats in England.
最近在英国伍斯特附近发现一只大型黑猫,可能是豹或美洲豹。 Recent sightings of a large black cat, possibly a panther or puma, have been reported near Worcester, UK. 一名证人在Blackpole发现动物在A449A4附近吃东西,而遗传证据表明,在英格兰部分地区可能存在豹。 A witness spotted the animal eating near the A449 at Blackpole, while genetic evidence suggests leopards may be present in parts of England. 尽管有这些报告,野生生物协会在证实该地区存在大猫之前,仍要求提供更多证据。 Despite these reports, the Worcestershire Wildlife Trust calls for more evidence before confirming the presence of big cats in the area.