波特兰一名行人受重伤; 司机因酒后驾驶和不慎驾驶被捕. Pedestrian critically injured in Portland; driver arrested for DUI and reckless driving.
一名行人星期六清晨在波特兰劳埃德区被一辆车撞伤后受重伤。 A pedestrian was critically injured after being struck by a vehicle in Portland's Lloyd District early Saturday morning. 司机Isaac Q. Ellis被旁观者拘留,因酒后驾车、殴打和鲁莽驾驶而被捕。 The driver, Isaac Q. Ellis, was detained by bystanders and arrested for DUI, assault, and reckless driving. 警方正在调查这一事件,东东北大大道关闭了5个小时。 Police are investigating the incident, and Northeast Grand Avenue was closed for five hours. 当局正在向证人索取进一步资料。 Authorities are seeking additional information from witnesses.