Pasadena在商业区恢复了停车执法,由于最近发生火灾,住宅执法延迟。 Pasadena resumes parking enforcement in commercial areas, delays residential enforcement due to recent fire.
帕萨迪纳将从周二开始在商业区恢复停车执法, 包括在Playhouse Village和南湖的计数器,时间限制和加载区. Pasadena will resume parking enforcement in commercial areas starting Tuesday, including meters, time limits, and loading zones in Playhouse Village and South Lake. 除违反安全规定外,住宅区执法工作至少推迟到1月底。 Residential area enforcement, except for safety violations, is delayed until at least the end of January. 该市也在援助附近阿尔塔迪纳受伊顿火灾影响的企业。 The city is also aiding businesses affected by the Eaton Fire in nearby Altadena.