多伦多的家长尽管政府作出了努力,但日托费用仍然很高,使许多家长在儿童保育方面花费大量资金。 Parents in Toronto still face high daycare costs despite government efforts, leaving many spending heavily on childcare.
尽管政府努力降低费用,但多伦多许多家长继续支付高额日托费。 Despite government efforts to lower costs, many Toronto parents continue to pay high daycare fees. 这是由于多种因素造成的,包括对私营中心的补贴不足、需求高以及可负担得起的地点有限。 This is due to a mix of factors including insufficient subsidies for private centers, high demand, and limited availability of affordable spots. 父母没有多少选择,往往把收入的很大一部分花在儿童保育上。 Parents are left with few options, often spending a significant portion of their income on childcare.