巴基斯坦Khyber Pakhtunkhwa以折扣价格向磨坊发放77 762吨小麦。 Pakistan's Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to release 77,762 tons of wheat to mills at a discounted price.
巴基斯坦Khyber Pakhtunkhwa政府计划以每40公斤2 400卢比的价格,将储存在仓库中的77 762公吨进口小麦放行,运往可运作的面粉厂。 The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government in Pakistan plans to release 77,762 metric tons of imported wheat stored in warehouses to operational flour mills at a price of Rs2,400 per 40 kg. 这一决定是在省粮食部长查希尔·沙阿·托鲁率领的一次会议之后作出的。 This decision was made following a meeting led by Provincial Food Minister Zahir Shah Toru. 为确保透明度,成立了一个监督委员会,并在仓库安装了闭路电视摄像头,以监督业务,这项工作只能在白天进行。 To ensure transparency, a monitoring committee has been formed, and CCTV cameras have been installed in warehouses to oversee the operation, which will only happen during daylight hours.