尼日利亚工会支持JAMB工作人员福利预算11亿奈元, Nigerian unions back a N1.1 billion budget for staff benefits at JAMB, facing National Assembly scrutiny.
尼日利亚联合招生和入学委员会(JAMB)的两个工会支持拟议的工作人员供餐预算11亿新元, Two labor unions at Nigeria's Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) support the proposed N1.1 billion budget for staff feeding, which will expand free lunch to over 2,300 staff across 44 offices. 工会说,由福利委员会商定的预算也涵盖清洁、熏蒸和安全。 The unions say the budget, agreed by the welfare committee, also covers cleaning, fumigation, and security. 他们在国民议会的审查中捍卫这项措施,担心潜在的反弹可能会阻止这些福利努力。 They defend the measure amid scrutiny from the National Assembly, fearing potential backlash could halt these welfare efforts.