MTB金属公司股票价格下跌25%,降至0.02科多巴元,交易量比通常增加29%。 MTB Metals' stock price fell 25% to C$0.02, with trading volume up 29% from usual.
MTB金属(CVE:MTB)的股票价格在星期四下跌25%,交易额为0.02科多巴元。 MTB Metals (CVE:MTB) saw its stock price drop by 25% on Thursday, trading at C$0.02. 该公司以前称为 " 山区男孩矿产有限公司 " ,其重点是在加拿大的矿物财产收购和勘探,涉及黄金、银、铅、锌、铜和其他矿藏。 The company, formerly known as Mountain Boy Minerals Ltd., focuses on mineral property acquisitions and explorations in Canada, dealing with gold, silver, lead, zinc, copper, and other deposits. 市场上限为188万开曼元,MTB金属的交易量比每天平均交易量增加了29%。 With a market cap of C$1.88 million, MTB Metals experienced a 29% increase in trading volume compared to average daily sessions.