墨尔本的精英私人俱乐部在指控歧视和成员年龄老化的情况下,竭力维持相关性。 Melbourne's elite private clubs struggle to maintain relevance amid accusations of discrimination and aging membership.
墨尔本的私人俱乐部,包括雅典内乌姆、亚历山德拉和墨尔本俱乐部,在努力保持其相关性和排他性时,正面临各种挑战。 Melbourne's private clubs, including the Athenaeum, Alexandra, and Melbourne Clubs, are facing challenges as they struggle to maintain their relevance and exclusivity. Athenaeum俱乐部以保守的政治和对国家政治的影响著称,由于成员年龄老化,它正在失去影响力。 The Athenaeum Club, known for its conservative politics and influence in state politics, is losing its sway due to an aging membership. 亚历山德拉俱乐部(Alexandra Club)是墨尔本最富有女性的避难所,为了吸引年轻会员,它进行了一次有争议的翻修。 The Alexandra Club, a sanctuary for Melbourne's wealthiest women, underwent a controversial renovation to attract younger members. 同时,墨尔本俱乐部被指责为种族主义,否认拥有知名的商人会员资格,从而导致歧视指控。 Meanwhile, the Melbourne Club, accused of racism, denied a high-profile businessman membership, leading to accusations of discrimination. 这些俱乐部虽然仍然享有声望,但正在面对现代的压力,要求多样化和适应。 These clubs, while still prestigious, are grappling with modern pressures to diversify and adapt.