麦迪逊·维奥莱特(Madison Violet)于2月1日在埃利奥特湖演出, Madison Violet, a folk-pop duo with a JUNO nomination, performs in Elliot Lake on February 1.
来自东海岸的民谣流行二人组 Madison Violet 由 Lisa MacIsaac 和 Brenley MacEachern 主演,将于 2 月 1 日晚上 7:30 在埃利奥特湖的柯林斯音乐厅演出,作为埃利奥特湖娱乐系列的一部分。 Madison Violet, a folk-pop duo from the East Coast featuring Lisa MacIsaac and Brenley MacEachern, will perform at Collins Hall in Elliot Lake on February 1 at 7:30 p.m. as part of the Elliot Lake Entertainment Series. 以混合民俗、流行和乡村风格著称的双人俱乐部发行了10多张专辑,并获得JUNO提名和加拿大民俗音乐奖。 The duo, known for blending folk, pop, and country styles, has released over 10 albums and received a JUNO nomination and a Canadian Folk Music Award. 票房或门口有票。 Tickets are available at the box office or at the door.