金斯敦市议会准备了一份“回归基础”的预算,将在 2025 年将房产税提高 2.8%。 Kingston's city council prepares a "back-to-basics" budget with a 2.8% property tax hike for 2025.
金斯敦市议会下周将开会最后确定2025年预算, Kingston city council will meet next week to finalize the 2025 budget, described as a "back-to-basics" approach by Mayor Bryan Paterson. 预算包括用于住房的950万美元,用于道路的750万美元,用于废物收集的230万美元,以及用于公共汽车、公园和公共场所的更多资金,导致地产税增加2.8%。 The budget includes $9.5 million for housing, $7.5 million for roads, $2.3 million for waste collection, and more funding for buses, parks, and public spaces, leading to a 2.8% property tax increase. 增加警务费用可以进一步提高税收。 An increase in policing costs could further raise taxes.