四人,包括一名妇女及其两名子女,在印度加齐阿巴德因短路引发的一场房屋火灾中死亡。 Four people, including a woman and her two children, died in a house fire in Ghaziabad, India, caused by a short circuit.
在印度Ghaziabad,一个短路引发的房屋火灾造成四人死亡,其中包括一名32岁的妇女Gulbahar和她的两个子女。 In Ghaziabad, India, a house fire caused by a short circuit killed four people, including a 32-year-old woman, Gulbahar, and her two children. 一个亲戚的儿子也死了。 A relative's son also died. 消防员扑灭了火焰,在房屋内发现受害者。 Firefighters extinguished the blaze and found the victims inside the house. 另外两名家庭成员受烧伤,正在医院接受治疗。 Two other family members suffered burn injuries and are receiving treatment at a hospital. 怀疑这起火灾是发生在 家庭内部的工厂里 用来制造赛道装饰品 The fire is suspected to have started in the family's in-house factory for track-suit manufacturing.