以查尔斯三世国王为特色的五便士硬币在eBay上捡到多达1 800英镑,尽管夸大其词。 Fifty-pence coins featuring King Charles III are fetching up to £1,800 on eBay, despite inflated claims.
以查尔斯三世国王为主的50分硬币正在eBay上出售,售价高达1 800英镑,这是1971年以来小数点硬币系列的一部分。 50p coins featuring King Charles III are being sold on eBay for up to £1,800, part of the decimal coinage series since 1971. 尽管列名中的历史索赔不正确,皇家明特公司建议收藏者考虑硬币的状况、设计、薄粉和材料,以便准确估价。 Despite incorrect historical claims in listings, the Royal Mint advises collectors to consider the coin's condition, design, mintage, and material for accurate valuation. Mint公司提供服务,验证硬币的真实性和稀有性。 The Mint offers services to verify the coin's authenticity and rarity.