T. K. 博士。 医生。 卡斯县的 Lawless 公园于 1 月 18 日至 2 月 8 日举办“冬夜”活动,提供轮胎、滑雪和观星活动。 Dr. T.K. Lawless Park in Cass County hosts 'Winter Nights' with tubing, skiing, and star gazing from Jan 18 to Feb 8.
T. K. 博士。 医生。 Dr. T.K. 1月18日至2月8日星期六4天下午5时至9时, Cass县的Lawless Park举办「冬季夜」家庭活动, Lawless Park in Cass County hosts 'Winter Nights,' a family event featuring tubing, star gazing, and cross-country skiing, among other activities, from January 18 to February 8 on four Saturdays from 5 to 9 p.m. 每人入园费为2美元,公园包括供手工和热巧克力用的加热建筑物。 Admission costs $2 per person, and the park includes heated buildings for crafts and hot chocolate. 该事件取决于天气, 如果没有雪, 可能会被取消 。 The event is weather-dependent and may be canceled if there's no snow.