德里法院向NBE发出通知,禁止学生辞职后转而DNB课程。 Delhi court issues notice to NBE over ban on students switching DNB courses after resignation.
德里高等法院已经向国家考试委员会发出通知,要求就禁止辞去DNB文凭课程而不再参加另一个DNB课程的候选人参加两年制的禁令提出异议。 The Delhi High Court has issued a notice to the National Board of Examination (NBE) regarding a plea challenging a two-year ban on candidates who resign from a DNB Post Diploma course from joining another DNB course. 请愿人辩称,这项规则是任意的,侵犯了基本权利,并列举了诸如口头虐待和酷刑等个人痛苦。 The petitioner argues the rule is arbitrary and violates fundamental rights, citing personal hardships like verbal abuse and torture. 法院已要求NBE在2025年1月23日之前作出答复。 The court has requested NBE's response by January 23, 2025.