美国各地的社区悼念在 9/11 事件中丧生的近 3,000 人,以纪念这次袭击 20 周年。 Communities across the U.S. honored the nearly 3,000 lives lost on 9/11, marking the attack's 20th anniversary.
美国各地社区为纪念2001年9月11日恐怖袭击20周年举行了静默仪式和悼念。 Communities across the United States held somber ceremonies and tributes to mark the 20th anniversary of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. 从纽约到洛杉矶,各城市纪念了近3 000人丧生,并庆祝了受灾者的恢复力。 From New York to Los Angeles, cities honored the nearly 3,000 lives lost and celebrated the resilience of those affected. 主要城市的地方核生化分支机构广泛报道了这些事件,包括静默时刻、宣读受害者姓名以及幸存者和领导人的发言。 Local NBC affiliates in major cities provided extensive coverage of the events, including moments of silence, readings of victims' names, and speeches by survivors and leaders.