Chili Bowl Nationals 是塔尔萨的一项重大赛车赛事,对当地经济造成了近 5000 万美元的影响。 The Chili Bowl Nationals, a major racing event in Tulsa, impacts the local economy by nearly $50 million.
第 39 届年度 Chili Bowl Nationals 是塔尔萨的一项大型室内泥土赛道赛车活动,最近结束。 The 39th annual Chili Bowl Nationals, a major indoor dirt track racing event in Tulsa, concluded recently. 这次活动吸引了来自40个州和7个国家的参与者,对当地经济产生了3 000万美元的直接影响,另有4 000万美元的间接影响。 This event, attracting participants from 40 states and seven countries, has a direct $30 million impact on the local economy, with an additional $40 million in indirect effects. 连同Tulsa Shotout,总的经济影响达到近5 000万美元,通过增加旅馆、餐馆和景点的支出使当地企业受益。 Combined with the Tulsa Shootout, the total economic impact reaches nearly $50 million, benefiting local businesses through increased spending on hotels, restaurants, and attractions.